Outlook version?
Viewed where? Forms with custom code in them won't display at all in the
reading/preview pane, they'd have to be opened.
If it's a custom form then all recipients would need to have that custom
form published in their Outlook or in an Organizational Forms Library if
they're using Exchange server. Otherwise the recipients wouldn't see
anything but a normal email form. If you include the form definition in the
item when you send it that one-offs the forms and code won't run on
one-offed forms.
A better approach that could be done using a COM addin would be to send
different emails to recipients with your random questions supplied at
sending time. That way no custom form or code in the form are required and
it would be compatible with recipients not using Outlook.
For Outlook forms development information see the forms section at
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007.
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options.
Post by Marco Shaw [MVP]I need to create an email message in Outlook that, once viewed basically,
will display 10 of 50 possible questions randomly to different recipients.
Is this possible with Outlook scripting?
Any online references on how I might get started?